I've noticed over time that being made to read Shakespeare all through public education results in most people disliking it for one reason entirely: they were forced. An unfortunate reality, but as an avid reader myself, I never found Shakespeare's plays to be the most intriguing reads. I'm a firm believer in thinking that these plays are meant to be watched rather than read. While they are still a form of literature, they make so much more sense as a dramatized production than they do while only being imagined through the readers eyes.
As my group of peers, professor, and I wandered through the exhibition within The Globe theatre, I couldn't help but anticipate the thrill and excitement that is soon to come with seeing these great stories live. The exhibition was entirely informative, but it's the nights approaching entertainment that I'm the most anxious to experience.
Not only will the theatre be beautiful to behold, but the show, The Winter's Tale, will be my first Shakespeare performance seen live. It will be fascinating to see how the scene of Antigonus being eaten by a bear will be portrayed on a stage where modern lighting techniques aren't commonly used. What I mean by this is that when I imagine any violence being portrayed on stage that does not wish to be gory, often actors will perform the movements of violence behind a lit screen so that only the shadows can be seen.
As required through my course, I'll be reviewing some of the shows we see, and possibly the one we see tonight. I think my choice will depend on whether or not I leave with any strong feelings about the production, positive or negative and I CAN'T WAIT.